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Collection fees can be changed after mint has started#

Low Risk

In NiftyKitV3.sol, a collection feeType and feeRate can be changed anytime including after minting has started.

function setRate(address collection, uint256 rate) external onlyOwner {
    Collection storage _collection = _collections[collection];
    require(_collection.exists, "Does not exist");

    _collection.feeRate = rate;

function setFeeType(address collection, FeeType feeType) external {
    Collection storage _collection = _collections[collection];
    require(_collection.exists, "Does not exist");
    require(IERC173(collection).owner() == _msgSender(), "Not the owner");

    _collection.feeType = feeType;

It means it's possible that people mint the same collection with different prices.


I would suggest not to be able to change these values, once the presale or sale has started.